
Regional Studies Association Research Networks

Green Regional Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Governance (GRIEG) Climate Change & Eco-Innovation: Regional Perspectives12th November 2008 - Aalborg, Denmark

Leading Citizen-Driven Governance: Collective Regional and Sub Regional Leadership in the UK and Beyond 24th November 2008 - Liverpool, UK. Second Workshop
Date: Monday 24 November 2008Venue: The Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool

Tourism, Regional Development and Public Policy
26th - 28th November, 2008 Aalborg, Denmark.
Second Workshop

The role of Old Industrial Knowledges in Economic Development of Post-Industrial Regions
15-17 February, 2009 Monchengladbach, Germany

Creative industries, scenes, cities, places: idiosyncratic dimensions of the cultural economy.
22nd and 23rd of April 2009 at the University of Cardiff.

More information about these networks can be found here: http://www.regional-studies-assoc.ac.uk/